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A Measure of Justice for Father Garrett Joiner and his Son

I commend Garrett Joiner and his family for effectively doing what so many cannot: they took on a forced and unethical adoption and have won. This outcome is, by my definition, BEST indeed for Baby Boy W. He is not an adoptee. These battles are horrible and heartbreaking and really do take any person’s last bit of sanity, and often, hope. Garrett Joiner, for a young man, a David, fighting the formidable Goliath has held himself up wonderfully and is a fine example and representative of natural families fighting for their parental rights in forced adoptions.

American Adoptions and Scott Mars’ Adoption Marketing Empire

It’s obvious that American Adoptions under Scott Mars’ routine of smoke and mirrors, doesn’t take transparency and true accountability very seriously. And while perhaps Scott Mars did start his American Adoption empire with some nice misplaced foggy adoptee loyalty in the beginning, at this point and seeing all these internet marketing shenanigans, he is in so darn deep there is no way he is spared from the culpability and corruption. on the Adoption by Gentle Care and Camden case.

What Does Adoption by Gentle Care, American Adoptions and Adoption Circle Have in Common?

I knew that American Adoptions and Adoption by Gentle Care had a connection. I had, however, erroneously though that American Adoptions had come in and helped out Adoption by Gentle Care financially AFTER the whole Grayson Vaughn episode. While I had thought that the bigger national American Adoptions agency had been asked to step in and help the poor struggling Adoption by Gentle Care after the last legal fight, it’s actually the opposite that happened. American Adoptions was pretty tight in with A Adoption by Gentle Care BEFORE and DURING the Grayson Vaughn situation and it was AFTER the ruling, that American Adoptions looked to pull back and disassociate themselves publicly from AGC!

In the Sprit if the Holidays; Adoption by Gentle Care is a Grinch

We have given them multiple outs practically on silver platter and they keep on hurting themselves and then try to blame others for their actions. Really, it’s simply a matter of choice and consequences. They choose to keep on doing the wrong thing and then the consequence of that choice is that people are critical. If you want people to stop thinking bad things about you, then perhaps a novel idea would be to STOP doing the very thing that you are being criticized for. How many times to I have to spell it out: Just give Camden back!

That Last Night of Gothic Innocence

Yup, I went out and partied till God knows when in the AM with all my Goth friends on the Saturday night, then went to NYC in the Sunday to be wined and dined by my much older/ boss/boyfriend/lover. The sponge failed and Max became. Looking at these pictures now, they have so much more significance. Of course, I didn’t know at the time, but inside me a tiny egg was ripening and getting ready to go forth. Now, I see the last night of my non-adoption affected existence. I see the very last vestige of the old me.

Flipping Learning- Shut Your Pie Hole

Yeah it might be hard sometimes.. for all the parents involved.. adoptive and birth parents…but the role I have taken for #FliptheScript is to just Re-post, re-tweet, re-share, but not redirect. I always remember, it’s not about me. It’s about the adoptee as it always should be. I’m just a parent doing the best I can to support the rights of my child…even though the voices of others.

Unplanned Pregnancy Information – National Help

Nationwide Assistance & Programs Offered to Pregnant Women One of the first steps towards receiving ANY help is to go through the application process at the state level for their social services options and assistance. While many people are hesitant to receive help, the fact is that this assistance is here to HELP YOU! Just find your state in the map above and click on it to bring you to the…

Ohio’s House Bill 307 Unethical and Ignorant of the Reality of the Tactics of Ohio Adoption Agencies

You want to decrease abortions in Ohio, Mike Gonidakis? Good, then stop wasting your time being a mouth piece for the adoption industry and get behind bills that support a mother parenting her own child. Let’s help her have access to things like birth control so she can make choices proactively, or day care so she can support her children, or educational recourse so she can better herself. But stay out of the adoption debate, please. You have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to the reality of how these laws are used in an adoption in Ohio.

Has Adoption by Gentle Care Moved Camden Again to a Fourth Family?

I’m not sure why (if) Camden was moved again to a fourth family and why Adoption by Gentle Care did so now when the case is being appealed and the legal risk for any adoptive family is far from over. Of course, now another possible family has put their heart out on the line and is possibly involved. They are now open to be hurt. Is this the right thing to do to people? Is this looking out for their clients’, never mind the sick baby, best interests?

New York Times Reporter Interested in Talking to Birthmothers and Expectant Moms

I spent about 2 hours last week talking to Emily Brennan of the New York Times. She is looking to write a factual story about the birthmother of today. She was very nice, easy to talk to and understanding. As this piece is geared around a “modern” birth mothers; my own story and situation does not really apply. I cannot be a strong voice here. She is not looking to tell my story. She is looking to tell YOURS.

The Desperate Antics of Adoption Agencies; Finders Fees for Birthmother Recruitment

A Guardian Angel Adoptions is making it known that they want previous clients to do their marketing for them to help them find at risk mothers. The $500 is a finder’s fee. Which in itself is pretty damn gross, but let’s think about this; It’s NOT just for a simple referral. Notice the words “when they have completed a successful adoption” meaning .. when your friend has signed the irrevocable relinquishment consent form for her baby THEN you get the $500.

Cannibalism in AdoptionLand

If anyone has a legitimate question and is willing to accept what I can share with them, then by all means I am more than willing to dispel any confusion or doubts. Anyone else, please get the fuck out of my way. I know who you are and I am aware now that you are no friend of mine, so pardon me if I don’t ask nicely twice and just push you aside;
I have work to do and you have already wasted way too much of my time.