Eleventh Annual Christmas Eve Candle Lighting

I wanted to share this.. As the world lights candles in preparation to celebrate the birth of a child who changed the course of history on Christmas Eve, New England Firstmothers and over 500 members of the Sunflower Sisters will celebrate Christmas Eve by lighting a candle in memory of births which changed their own personal histories. This year will mark the 11th Annual Christmas Eve Candle Lighting for these…

Birthmother, Good Mother

“In choosing adoption they can now see themselves as good mothers, the highest form of motherhood – the mother who chooses what is best for her child regardless of sacrifice it requires of her. In doing what is best for her child, she fulfills her need to see herself as a good mother and accept the pain of relinquishment. In this way, she transforms agony of the entire story into a redemptive experience where she becomes a heroine in her own eyes and in the eyes of others.”

The Missing Piece: Adoption Counseling in Pregnancy Resource Centers

Current rates of adoption at most pregnancy resource centers are extremely low. Although no formal statistics exist, spot-checking adoption rates at larger centers indicate that it should rates commonly are below 1%. In 1999, the Family Research Council undertook further research to understand complex array of factors involved in considering adoption and how best to present adoption as a viable option for women.The research is designed to identify underlying factors that either inhibit or motivate the consideration of adoption in both single, pregnant women and in pregnancy counselors. The research focused on discovering the most basic impressions that women in counselors have about adoption and on the psychological dynamics of decision making concerning adoption.

The Loss of Betty Jean Lifton

One cannot begin to understand the truths about adoption and to gain insight into the life of those adopted without hearing about the writings of BJ Lifton. How many times have I heard an adoptee credit her books as a pivotal point in feeling understood or coming to terms regarding their own life experience. As a birthmother, BJ Lifton represented more than an adoptee voice, she was for many THE…

Talking to Myself

I couldn’t sleep last night. We had spent the whole day in the mountains of the Shawangunks Mountains, hiking with the kids, and then they elected to stay over Grandma’s so Rye and I had a sudden night free. So we meandered back through town, stopping along the way; over the High Falls Cafe where I was thrilled to see my former apartment dweller neighbor Becky, then through town where…

Mothers Finally Teaching the Professionals in Adoption

I don’t know why I haven’t written about this before. I guess things have just been crazy busy this year and until now, it just has not been on my radar. An Academic Adoption Conference in NY Anyway back in the end of March I ran across a link to Sixth Biennial Adoption Conference – Open Arms, Open Minds: The Ethics of Adoption in the 21st Century. Being that it…

BlogHer ’10 Recap: What I Learned

About Myself, About Judgment, About Adoption, About the World. As I said a lot this past weekend at BlogHer ’10 in New York City, I wore a lot of hats. Part of me went to BlogHer as the Dragon Search Social Media Queen and I have a “Marketer’s View of BlogHer” over at the work blog, but part of me went to BlogHer as “Claudia the Adoption Blogger from Grown…

In Case You Missed It: the 2010 Adoptee Rights Protest

About four and half minutes, it’s almost like being there! “cept the hugs are virtual! I swear I picked the music becasue it fit the “feel” that I wanted, but wow, what do you think of the lyrics? Led Zeppelin Bron-y-aur Stomp “Adoptee Rights” Lyrics All the good times we had, I sang love songs so glad Always smiling, never sad So fine As we walk down the country lanes…

Claud Attends the Adoptee Rights Protest Louisville Kentucky 2010

1 week travelling over 2000 miles in the Bastardmobile on 30 hours sleep! The Adoptee Rights Demonstration is really one of my favorite events of the year and it keeps getting better and better! There is no way I can adequately describe the sum of the experience, but I shall; try.. I shall try! My Adoptee Rights Demonstration Adventure Begins…. Tuesday July 20th: I leave home in Kingston, NY with…

Free CD’s For Adoptee Rights

Tweet for Mary Gauthier’s The Foundling I have 6 copies of Adoptee Mary Gauthier’s The Foundling to give away for free, but you have to Tweet for them! Let me explain… When I first heard of Mary Gauthier and her upcoming CD release titled The Foundling, I was really excited.. so I wrote her an email and she replied! Then when I got to see her perform at the Rosendale…

Adoption Poetry: Edit the Cure

Over at Grown in My Heart it’s Adoption Carnival Time again! This time the topic is poetry. I ‘m not awful big on poetry, but I have a little something something I can recycle for today. *** I always say I am “First Generation MTV” which basically means that I was at the perfect age when MTV launched to be perfectly impressionable.. and MTV helped shape my life. I think it…

Mother’s Day: Still a Disappointment

And the Hope Never Dies I tell myself not to expect anything. I know not to set myself up for disappointment, but still, it’s impossible to avoid. For years, my mother’s day routine has been to go out and get myself all my spring annuals and just spend the day gardening my fool self off. Then, starting off from the years of being a single mom to one little boy…