Mary Gauthier

More of the Amazing Mary Gauthier

  “Before You Leave” an Adoption Story Once again, I find myself happy that I landed in this weird wide adoption world. Yes, I hate that adoption is in my life and probably always will hate how my family was separated. Yet, as always I am so thankful for all the wonderful people that I get to met along this journey. One of those people is Mary Gauthier.

Free CD’s For Adoptee Rights

Tweet for Mary Gauthier’s The Foundling I have 6 copies of Adoptee Mary Gauthier’s The Foundling to give away for free, but you have to Tweet for them! Let me explain… When I first heard of Mary Gauthier and her upcoming CD release titled The Foundling, I was really excited.. so I wrote her an email and she replied! Then when I got to see her perform at the Rosendale…