Adoption Activism

Another Father Fights for His Parental Rights

“Baby Hailey” is almost three years old. Since before she was born her Father has been trying to establish his parental rights.. The travesty of California court, which had previously reinstated his paternal rights, is now used to exercise another wanna-be adoptive mothers fantasy under the name of unlawful guardianship application.

Closing Out National Adoption Awareness Month

Adoption Odds and Ends: Adoption Music, Arts, Films and Events There are ways to finish up National Adoption Awareness Month by supporting and sharing information and links to really great projects the support adoption truth. Here’s some great projects created by adoptees and the people that support them!

The Craigslist Adoption Truth Project

The article points out that the BEST results were from Craigslist. All the other avenues of baby procurement were trickles as far as results. I’m not sure why expectant moms are turning to Craigslist for the adoptive parents of their unborn children rather, but maybe they are looking for used cribs and get sucked in by their sad stories? The fact is the article clearly tells US where WE have to go to reach moms BEFORE they answer the horrid pathetic ads and get sucked into the adoption machine. To that I say thank you very much.

Searching For Birthmothers on Huffington Post Live & AOL

I had NO IDEA that was going to happen, but it did. Ok, more exposure, right. Good for the cause and education of the masses. I ignore the stupid comments. I ignore the stupid comments. I ignore the stupid comments. Yes, that s a mantra for me, but please feel free to educated the masses. I guess they had the headlines messed up as well and I was supposed to be divorced three times?

Here’s some doozies:

“Cute, real Cute.. This is a Prime Example they have BIRTH CONTROL Girls Like her Should NOT have Children in the 1st place! That is what she should be

“Ripped Away From the ONLY Home the Child Has EVER Known”

Possession is nine point nine tenths of the law when it comes to child custody and contested adoptions. While dads try to understand this new reality of hell, try to find legal help, funds, and information; stumbling over punitive father’s registries, state paternity filing dates and out of state adoption agencies; they just sit back, and wait for him to get so defeated, so tired, so overwhelmed, that he just goes away, beaten. Just keep fighting.

Join the Adoption Army! Just an Email and You’re In!

What in Sam Hill is the Adoption Army? The short answer is that you are just signing up for my mailing list. Typical application of a required email address and all that. I promise not to sell your email or spam you. The long answer is a bit more complicated.

What’s Wrong With the Adoption Tax Credit?

While the original adoption tax credit was created to benefit the adoptions of special needs children, successful lobbying from adoptive parents and the adoption lobbyists have increased the credit by both the amount refunded and the range of adoptions covered.
The Adoption Tax Credit now covers expenses paid in an unsuccessful attempt to adopt an child before finalizing the adoption of another child can qualify for the credit. The Adoption Tax Credit now applies to domestic and international adoptions.

Adoption Services Associates Goes Bad, Abrazo Adoption Associates Does Good

A Call for Help After Adoption Corruption in San Antonio I have never endorsed an Adoption Agency, but I am not above helping a good one especially when they are on the side of right. This is one of the cases. Earlier this year one of Texas’ largest and most notorious adoption agencies went under. Adoption Services Associates, or ASA as it was “affectingly” abruptly shut its doors and claimed…

How do People Search and Find Adoption Information Online

What the date tells me above is what I already know. If you are writing about adoption, then the word adoption needs to be used. And if one is writing about issues in adoption that pertain to being a mother who relinquished, then I want those 1/3 a million monthly searches to have a chance of finding things here and that means using the word birthmother. I won’t call you one, but I’m going to write with it.

Why We Fight For Adoptee Rights

As one week from today is the Adoptee Rights Demonstration in Chicago, Illinois I would like to propose a celebratory meme. Even if you can’t physically be there, you can help pepper the internet air waves with news and the reasons why you support Adoptee Rights!

Life Changes; Embracing Life a Birthmother

This year, it felt like the universe was telling me something. Every inspirational quote I received, every email I got, every horoscope I read, every little tweet that caught my eye said some version of “Start Now”. From the “In a year from now, you’ll wish you would’ve started today” morphed a real observation that the universe was smacking me over the head with a two-by-four.
I keep on trudging alone and not listening.
The universe got louder.