Adoption Activism

The Adoptee Rights Demonstration 2009

It’s almost been a full 24 hours since I returned from the Adoptee Rights Protest in Philly. My head is still reeling, my heart is still soaring, and my blood is still racing. Oh, I love a good protest and a good protest it was! I traveled down from my home in NY to Philadelphia on Monday. We had put my little car in the shop earlier last week so…

An Adoption Agency Gives Me Hope

Yeah, you read that right. I actually am having trouble believing it myself, but it’s true. On the eve of the final mass preparations for the Adoptee Rights Protest in Philly, I read this comment in my email box from an agency regarding my post about birth mother grief: This is a stunning, painfully true description of the birthparent experience and we thank you for your candor and courage in…

Open letter to President Obama

My Dear President, First, I must thank you. For the first time in long 8 years, I can admit that I do again have a president. I like that I can feel proud to be an American again. We have been waiting for you. Now I know you have too many things on your plate right now and in the scheme of things, what I ask from you probably will…

Adoption’s Silver Lining

Sometimes adoption just confuses me. Not in the regular old sense like “how does all this corruption continue and why won’t so many people bother to see the so logical truth” or “how exploitive and sleazy will agencies have to get before moms see through their tricks?”, but in the tradition of the Talking Heads: Well how did I get here? The fact remains that the relinquishment of my son…

Anti-Adoption Insights

I was combing through my adoption information link list and the list for AAI caught my eye. For many of us, we “began” online on MSN Groups..Adoption, Adoption Insights, Anti-Adoption Insights. The first few years of my online existence were over at those places. They are where I learned to write. It’s where I learned… I clicked it and the site was gone.

The FIght for Adoption Records

If you haven’t heard, the South Dakota House of Representitives voted yes the other night with the vote as: YEAS 37, NAYS 32 on Senate Bill 153 to: Provide procedures by which adopted persons may obtain their original birth certificates and the contact preference of birth parents aka: OPEN the ADOPTION RECORDS! Unseal the Original Birth Certificates! Now before we get to ahead with the “whoo hoos” ( which I…

Open Records in Adoption Poll: 100% Favor Change in Laws

I have been eyeing that bit of real estate on my sidebar. The one where I have that poll. My side bar is too long. It’ just that my blogrools are huge. I guess I shoul dgo through them, but that always means that I must add more. Which is good, but it makes for a very long sidebar. I guess it balances out my long posts. Anyway, I have…

Birthmother Assimilation via Facebook

Once upon a time, I had a life and adoption, while affecting my life and all, was really not part of it. The kool aide was still in my system and I was sleeping in Egypt. I understand it. I functioned and did what I had to do. It’s survival for many birth mothers. Then, about 8 years ago, cable Internet was introduced to my house and the first thing…

Finially! The Montel Williams Adoption Scam footage.

Well, not all of it. Just the part starring…me! In case you missed it, back this time around two years ago, I was on the Montel Williams Show and it was pretty horrible. Since then, I have been trying to get the dern thing online. Long story, but even after having the geeks at the office mess with it, it still could not be converted to a playable file. Though…

Back From Touring Egypt

Hey all..if there is anyone even checking in anymore to read this… I think that I am ready to return, not that I actually ever really left. I mean, that’s the one thing that we should know now about this thing that is named ADOPTION…no matter how hard one might try, you can’t really get away. I tried. I honestly really tried. But it’s like a cancer; you get this…

“Anger is more useful than despair.”

Quite a few years ago, I gave up on NOT sleeping with the TV on all night. I use to make a huge point of taking the “I-have-no-function-but-for-the-sleep-timer” controller, and using the sleep timer, since Rye HAD to have the TV on to sleep, but I hated to wake up at 3 am to an infomercial. Eventually, I lost both the battle, the clicker and lost the light sleeping that…

Resolutions for 2008

There is this fine line in adoptionland that I really try hard not to trip over. It’s something that, I think, frequently confuses dear Rye. He sees me doing all this stuff, this research, this writing, this time..and he wonders..Hey! Aren’t you EVER going to make any money off of this? Now, really..we know the answer, is NO. Which is fine. I mean, it would be great if I did..just…

Tonight! on the Adoption Show!

THE ADOPTION SHOW Voices Ending the Myth Sunday December 9, 2007 9:00 PM EST OUSA STUDY MOTHERS’ VOICES: SURRENDER EXPERIENCES AND LONG-TERM EFFECTS BERNADETTE WRIGHT Bernadette Wright is a mother who lost her only child, a son who she named Sebastian, to a grey market baby broker in 1990, when she was 19. She has not seen or known anything about her son since he was taken from the hospital…

Fun on CafeMom When Infertile People Want Another Woman’s Twins

I really do not care that you think that I am overstepping my boundries. I personally feel that people who are so desperae for a baby that they troll on message boards and try to exploit women in vunerable circumstances to be predatory and unethical. Pre birth contact is considered coersive.
Of course, you would like to adopt her twins. And while I am sure that it sucks for you to be infertile, my sympathy really ends there. Sometimes in life you do not get what you want. I do not have to think of people like you.. my job is to think about moms who CAN be good mothers, who need help facing a crisis prenancy and perhaps just someone to tell them the truth.

Bernadette Wright on the Radio!

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NOVEMBER, 27, 2007 Bernadette Wright, Ph.D., President of Origins-USA will be speaking be on two upcoming radio shows. Her interview on The Adoption Show with Michelle Edmonds ( will air in early December, date to be determined. Topics discussed include Origins-USA’s study on the effects of relinquishments on mothers’ lives, the nature and extent of adoption coercion, and what has changes and what has stayed the same…