Adoptee Stories

The Loss of Betty Jean Lifton

One cannot begin to understand the truths about adoption and to gain insight into the life of those adopted without hearing about the writings of BJ Lifton. How many times have I heard an adoptee credit her books as a pivotal point in feeling understood or coming to terms regarding their own life experience. As a birthmother, BJ Lifton represented more than an adoptee voice, she was for many THE…

Adoptee Songwriter Mary Gauthier at the Rosendale Cafe

A Haunting Musical of a Rejected Bastards Emotional Journey Sometimes I have nothing to write about for adoption and sometimes I have oodles. We are in the middle of an oodles period. In the last three days I have: Seen a screening of the soon to be released movie “Mother and Child” which I reviewed on GIMH. Had an intense and brilliant three hour interview with a NY high school…

Call for Submissions: Adoptee Video Project

Looking for Adoptees to Call for Access to their Original Birth Certificates I love Facebook and the collaborative ideas that can come up. This is one of them. Amanda Kutner from, an adoptee I know through there, contacted me about the makings of the Birthmother video that I helped create with Origins-USA when a bunch of us were at the Donaldson/Ethica Adoption Conference. She said that she would love…

Are Adoptees Different?

The Us Census Ask us to Differentiate Last week, I received a very nice message inviting me to read a blog post over on Salon on the Census and Adoption, and so, I did. Then, I saw that Jenna had written another blog post herself on the same subject which was the Census and Adoption. And I read that too. Both of the posts, while one written by an adoptive mother…

Adoptee Mary Gauthier; Adoption Music “The Foundling”

Amazing find today via Googel Alerts! I have “adoption, birhtmother and adoptee” loaded up and get daily alerts which i *try* to go through and share links that seem worthy of interest ( usually on Twitter or Facebook). Anyway today I got this one and followed the link, quite unsure of how adoption plays into it: Mary Gauthier’s New Album;Experiences as an Adopted Child Celebrated singer-songwriter Mary Gauthier’s album promises…

Adoptee Rights: Suing the State that Denies One Access to the OBC

I am no law professor, but I get inspired in odd places. Rye and I were watching the History Channel the other night about the history of the Ku Klux Klan, and it actually inspired me. How can the Klan Help Adoptees I’m not completely sure, but follow my logic with me for a minute, will you? The show brought up the Civil Rights Act of 1871 and I immediately…

Adoptees More Likely to be Troubled – says new study

While quite a few of the mainstream media seems to have picked up on this, the lovely MSP sent me the notice of the Time article. Thank you, my friend! Now before I go off on an infmous FauxClaud adoption rant, please follow that link that appears below that says “digg story” and take a minute to sign up for Digg and then “digg it”. If the dern thing gets…

New York Times Blogs..

I am assuming this is something for our lovely National Adoption Awarness looks like they are running an adoption related blog everyday for the month… or i am indeed cementing my lameness by just noticing this and it is here all the time??? In anycase, worth a read.. worth a comment if you are so inclined… and I think my new favorite quote just came out of it: <…

Core Style: The Power of Genetics in Adoption Reunions

Tristan came home today with Scholastic’s Parent & Child in his backpack. So somewhere as I put off making dinner, I did my best to ignore the sounds of Pokeman as they explode form the TV, and took a gander at this nice piece of fluff. What Make Your Child Tick? Interesting enough, I actually found an article that peeked my interest, “What Makes Your Child Tick?” and within that…

Just More About Our Reunion

I love the way we are like mirror images of each other. Our bodies are turned in the same way, held at the same angles. Even the holes in our pants, the wrinkles on our coat arms are the same. The way we hold our arms at our sides, both hands closed in fists. We match so well. I like to the one with all of us, where I am elbowing Matt, He refused to “show teeth” when he smiled. Which is really funny as I never noticed that before about him, but I have the same trouble with Tristan. The damn kid won’t smile big just like his uncle.

Adoption: an American Revolution

Will you document the Mothers who were lied to and forced to lose the children they so desperately wanted, or will you only show the few happy reunions of such broken women? Will you discuss the issues and problems of current adoption practices that do not really honor the bond between mother and child and how to make things better, or will you just show the smiling faces of the “happy good birthmother” and promote more adoptions for a 13 billion dollar industry?

The Adoptee Reunion Rejection Classic: Why Won’t My Mother Meet Me?”

Carol Anderson’s 1982 adoption reunion classic: “Why did your birth mother refuse to meet you? Your natural mother lost a great deal when she surrendered you to adoption.” Fabulous insight for any adoptee about to contact or having been refused contact by their birthmother. It won’t make the pain go away, but hopefully can shed a bit of understanding.

Blogs Written by Adoptees

Want to Learn About Adoption? Every voice of every adoptee blog here is speaking for the thousands of adoptees who are still children and not have found their voices, yet. Yes, every adoption experience is individual and different, but the range of human emotion knows no bounds. Read, learn. These most gifted of writers open up their hearts and souls so that you might understand. Listen to the Adoptees Read the Adoptee…