Search Results for abortion

Known Consequences of Separating Mother and Child at Birth Implications for Further Study

 Wendy Jacobs, B.Sc., B.A.    “The past is never fully gone. It is absorbed into the present and the future. It stays to shape what we are and what we do.” Sir William Deane, Inaugural Lingiari Lecture, Darwin, 22 August 1996 Separating mother and child at birth was the way adoption was practiced in Australia in the latter half of last century. We have heard from other speakers about current…

Parens Patri[Archy]: Adoption, Eugenics, and Same-Sex Couples

Kari El Hong California Western Law Review, Vol. 40, No. 1, 2003  Abstract:  Arkansas, Florida, Mississippi, and Utah have laws or regulations prohibiting gay men, lesbian women, same-sex couples, or single parents (heterosexual and homosexual) from serving as adoptive or foster parents. In court filings, Arkansas, Florida, and Utah justify their bans by contending that married couples are the optimal families in which to raise children because families headed by gay…

Addressing the Psycho-Social Implications in Social Policy: The Case of Adoption and Early Intervention Strategies

A Research Paper submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Public Policy at Victoria University of Wellington ANN WEAVER: Victoria University 1999 ABSTRACT New Zealand Government policy and legislation has tended to follow a shor-term‘out-put’ rather than a long-term ‘outcome’ model. Furthermore, the psycho-social implications of policies and legislation have at times not been adequately addressed. This paper argues that it is essential to…

Calling Bullshit on the Ideal of the American Dream

The American Dream, Communism, Adoption, Trickledown Economics all look good on paper, but none of them take into account the reality of Human Nature. We are selfish, we are greedy and we will take the advantage. We have feelings and emotions and hearts and souls that should be considered EQUALLY important, but they are not. We live in a world where those who have power and money can buy their way to and get what they want, while the rest of us must be content with crumbs.

Numbers of Truth for Rape & Conception

A Premier in Pretty Colors for Dumb Politician About a week ago, I was gifted with a link to a study published in 2010 called Giving Birth to a “Rapist’s Child”: A Discussion and Analysis of the Limited Legal Protections Afforded to Women Who Become Mothers Through Rape by Shauna R. Prewitt. Thank you, Paula for sending me the link! Considering the recent discussions in the media regarding “forcible rape”…

Adoptee Rights

Why Should We Care About the Fight to Open Adoption Records? Adoptee Rights & Access to their Original Birth Certificates In the US, 48 states continue the practice of sealing adopted children’s original birth certificates (the OBC) upon finalization of the adoption. Only 10 states allow adult adoptees do not have unrestricted access to their OBC like all other people do at the age of 18. Right now, only  New York, Rhode Island,…

Free Adoption Records: Open the Secrets in New York part 2

Sealed Adoption Records in New YorkThough now the trend of many adoptions are “open”, sharing various information regarding identity, medical history, with shared pictures and letter, visits, and lifelong contact, there is still little hope for those who were born or gave birth during the times of the past. The face of adoption has changed with new advances in the nature of human responses, but the laws still remain the same, ignorant to new information and ways of thinking.

Free Adoption Records: Open the Secrets in New York – part 1

The history of sealed adoption records in the US and the current battle in New York’s legislation to free them open.   Since, my little blog here is now featured in the local Kingston paper online, I thought it would be most fitting to re-publish this piece I wrote specifically about New York and the adoption laws here. Since it is rather long, I broke it up for ease of…

When Only the Rich Deserve to Have Sex

Rye is a news junkie and sometimes I just have to be a pain and make him turn it off. As much as I love a good Rachel Maddow snarky fest, sometimes I just cannot take how incredible STUPID our elect politicians in Washington can be. It’s almost harder to watch their antics on TRMS or on Jon Stewart because it’s then so damn obvious how unrealistic and ideological and…

Adoption Commentary Craw Exposed

AKA How to Piss Off a Claud I haven’t felt the need to do this in a while. Usually, I don’t let other people’s comments get under my craw. After all, I have been online talking about adoption issues for ten years now and I had a rather thick skin to begin with. Rather than beat a person over the head with my beliefs, I would rather calmly state the…

Birthmother, Good Mother

“In choosing adoption they can now see themselves as good mothers, the highest form of motherhood – the mother who chooses what is best for her child regardless of sacrifice it requires of her. In doing what is best for her child, she fulfills her need to see herself as a good mother and accept the pain of relinquishment. In this way, she transforms agony of the entire story into a redemptive experience where she becomes a heroine in her own eyes and in the eyes of others.”

The Missing Piece: Adoption Counseling in Pregnancy Resource Centers

Current rates of adoption at most pregnancy resource centers are extremely low. Although no formal statistics exist, spot-checking adoption rates at larger centers indicate that it should rates commonly are below 1%. In 1999, the Family Research Council undertook further research to understand complex array of factors involved in considering adoption and how best to present adoption as a viable option for women.The research is designed to identify underlying factors that either inhibit or motivate the consideration of adoption in both single, pregnant women and in pregnancy counselors. The research focused on discovering the most basic impressions that women in counselors have about adoption and on the psychological dynamics of decision making concerning adoption.

Adoption Carnival: Racism

I don’t really have much right to talk about Racism and Adoption That’s just the plain honest truth. Give me discrimination. Give me injustice. Give me prejudice, but I’m pretty much at a loss when it come to writing about Racism. What do I know? I mean What DO I Know About Real Racism/ White chick, grew up in a white town, went to a pure bred white school. There…

2010 Bring it On!

Ah. …a new year. Despite it’s less than auspicious beginnings ( I felt kind of icky in the belly going into New Year’s Eve celebrations and champagne did not help; so the first of the year was most unpleasant and often found me moaning in the loo), I feel good about 2010. A Decade gets it Due I usually pretty impresses by the turning of a decade. Even though I…