Adoption Truth

Why is Stephanie Bennett so Important??

I want you to imagine, really, being Judy Bennett. I want you to think about if Stephanie Bennett was YOUR child, if Evelyn Bennett was YOUR granddaughter, and you were just an “Obstacle”. I want you to think about what you would do if you had this agency in front of you and keeping your grandchild from you. What if no one cared? What would you do for help?

The Promises of Adoption? They Were Wrong

The fact is..there are ENOUGH moms who relinquished who are saying…hey, it didn’t work like that. And enough adoptees say the same thing. Human nature is different than the plan and the beliefs. They were built on faulty principles Not your fault, not mine..lets blame the adoption industry. They have known for some time, they have had the information at hand, and still they kept throwing this pipe dream at us all and selling us all down a river.

Allison Quets

There is an age-old adage that two wrongs don’t make a right. Of course, us mothers of adoption loss understand the level of desperation that Allison Lee Quets must have been experiencing when she failed to return her 17 month old twins to their adoptive parents. And while we can support preservation of the natural family and encourages families to parent their own offspring, even to legally fight to regain…

Friend or Foe..the NYSCCC?

I wrote this out this morning: Judith Ashton, Executive Director NYS Citizens’ Coalition for Children, Inc. 410 East Upland Road Ithaca, NY 14850 607-272-0034 Fax: 607-272-0035 jashton@nysccc. org http://www.nysccc. Org Ms. Ashton, Upon reading your note**** to Heather Kuhn regarding her article “New York is Ready to Change Its Adoption Laws”, as it was forwarded to OriginsUSA, I became curious as to what the New York State Citizen’s Coalition for…

Somewhere in China

I wrote this for Marsha. I like Marsha. She’s a mod over at SoA, an interfamily adoptee heself (sent her ribbons for her and her mom), has a daughter from China and is waiting for her older son from there too. She gets it and I find myself agreeing with things she says. She is into educating other China AP’s about China moms being real and having feelings like us…

Small Splash, Big Meaning

It’s not at all like Madonna’s adoption story. They aren’t talking about this on Oprah, or every news media outlet, but even with just a small almost silent plop in the pond, “Birth Mother Entitled to Visitation with Child Given Up for Adoption” Posted on November 21, 2006 by Daniel Clement has the ability to sure make some waves. It’s not going to hit the big media. Don’t look for…

Origins of the BirthMother Term ..update

Now if you would please, take a minute and go re-read, or read if you happened to have missed it the first time, my post here regarding the coining of the word “Birthmother“. Now in case you happen to be a lazy ass, I will restate the key points: 1)I can imagine CUB coming up with th name based on having to make a good catchy acronym 2) Pearl S….

Tragedy and Stigma

I think I have a full post in here in the Noggin…I’m gonna peek, wanna come? There was a discussion on SoA regarding whether of not adoption can be seen as a tragedy. Still reeling from my conversation with Max’s dad (no, I have not heard from him nor have I heard form Max since I told him I saw his dad) and telling this man that yes, you have…

For once and for all!

Oh, lots and lots of discussion on the “B” term going on..and I don’t think I shall shy away from posting my view on the round and rounds going on, but…this has lead ( again!) to the question of: WHO COINED THE WORD BIRTH MOTHER??? It has been attributed to CUB. I have read that Betty Jean Lifton came up with it. I have heard it being used by Pearl…

Knowledge is Power part I…

So last week I found a huge cache of real reseach studies linked to adoption, moms, grief, etc..and I am able to get my hands on them thought the local hospital medical library They are being kind enough to waive most of the thank you Mary the Librarian..and funnelling me a few bit by bit. I also have a lovely co-worker who is involved in medical research who will…

What a reprint this is!!

Immense Loss; Walk a Mile in Baby’s Booties Imagine for a moment… You have met the person you’ve dreamed about all your life. He has every quality that you desire in a spouse. You plan for the wedding, enjoying every free moment with your fiancée. You love his touch, his smell, the way he looks into your eyes. For the first time in your life, you understand what is meant…

Dateline Inspired

For anyone who missed the show…pretty much the whole thing is on the websight as linked above. I, of course was inspired, And though a beautiful helping hand, my letter went to a senior producer and I got to drop a name, though I have editted that out for the world to see here. —————————————– I watched the show tonight though a completely different perspective than the general target audience….

I was feeling spunky!

When you send out research on birthmother reactions to adoption agencies. Hi Jan, I was researching Planned Parenthood and their affiliations to adoption agencies and came across Adoption Affiliates Website. I don’t want to come across as really nasty at all, but this following quote is just so wrong. It is really a lie. How will I feel about the adoption after it’s over? Most birth parents feel sadness, at…

How Can You Love Someone You Don’t Know?

How Can an Adoptee Love their Birth Family? You hear this allot in regard to adoption, usually when an adoptee is faced with reunion. How can they feel this way? Their family of origin is made of strangers. They don’t know them. It is not a reunion for them..they have no memory, they have no previous contact, all it is is shared genes and one act of their life: birth….