Get Your Facts About Adoption

Adoption Laws and Practices in 2000: Serving Whose Interests?

Ruth Arlene Howe; Professor, Boston College Law School February 8, 2005 After enactment of the first “modern” state adoption statute in 1851,adoption in the United States evolved as both a state judicial process and a specialized child welfare service to promote the “best interests” of children in need of permanent homes. During the last quarter of the century, however, developments have occurred which force us to ask whether U.S. adoption…

An Adoptee Asks Reunion Question

I can tell you that many moms are just so worried about saying the wrong things that we are still afraid to open up and be real… the internal censor is on big time because we do not know what to do and are SO afraid of being sent away emotionally. Maybe this isn’t the case with her since you say she really reacts intensely, but that openness and honestly is a hard place to get to. I think it hard to trust the new relationship as permanent and get to that place.

What’s Wrong With the Adoption Tax Credit?

While the original adoption tax credit was created to benefit the adoptions of special needs children, successful lobbying from adoptive parents and the adoption lobbyists have increased the credit by both the amount refunded and the range of adoptions covered.
The Adoption Tax Credit now covers expenses paid in an unsuccessful attempt to adopt an child before finalizing the adoption of another child can qualify for the credit. The Adoption Tax Credit now applies to domestic and international adoptions.

Numbers of Truth for Rape & Conception

A Premier in Pretty Colors for Dumb Politician About a week ago, I was gifted with a link to a study published in 2010 called Giving Birth to a “Rapist’s Child”: A Discussion and Analysis of the Limited Legal Protections Afforded to Women Who Become Mothers Through Rape by Shauna R. Prewitt. Thank you, Paula for sending me the link! Considering the recent discussions in the media regarding “forcible rape”…

How do People Search and Find Adoption Information Online

What the date tells me above is what I already know. If you are writing about adoption, then the word adoption needs to be used. And if one is writing about issues in adoption that pertain to being a mother who relinquished, then I want those 1/3 a million monthly searches to have a chance of finding things here and that means using the word birthmother. I won’t call you one, but I’m going to write with it.

Adoptees More Likely to be Troubled – says new study

While quite a few of the mainstream media seems to have picked up on this, the lovely MSP sent me the notice of the Time article. Thank you, my friend! Now before I go off on an infmous FauxClaud adoption rant, please follow that link that appears below that says “digg story” and take a minute to sign up for Digg and then “digg it”. If the dern thing gets…

Fun on CafeMom When Infertile People Want Another Woman’s Twins

I really do not care that you think that I am overstepping my boundries. I personally feel that people who are so desperae for a baby that they troll on message boards and try to exploit women in vunerable circumstances to be predatory and unethical. Pre birth contact is considered coersive.
Of course, you would like to adopt her twins. And while I am sure that it sucks for you to be infertile, my sympathy really ends there. Sometimes in life you do not get what you want. I do not have to think of people like you.. my job is to think about moms who CAN be good mothers, who need help facing a crisis prenancy and perhaps just someone to tell them the truth.

Public Falout over the Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute report

Last Sunday, with great media attention, the Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute issued a comprehensive report regarding past and current domestic infant adoption practices in the US. Appropriately named “Safe Guarding the Rights and Well-Being of Birthparents in Adoption Practices”, the release of the report was picked up by Associated Press, and hit paper media such as the Washington Post and the New York Times. Essentially what the Donald Institute…

Twelve out of Twelve: #2 KP series

Headline: Twelve out of Twelve Scientific Studies find that Relinquishing a Child to Adoption is Harmful to your Health! In the summer of 1999, two certified nurse midwifes published a piece in The Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic and Neonatal Nursing. They took the twelve existing studies on relinquishing mothers from 1978 to date of publication and grouped the data and compared. Their final conclusion? “The relinquishing mother is at risk…

Knowledge is Power part I…

So last week I found a huge cache of real reseach studies linked to adoption, moms, grief, etc..and I am able to get my hands on them thought the local hospital medical library They are being kind enough to waive most of the thank you Mary the Librarian..and funnelling me a few bit by bit. I also have a lovely co-worker who is involved in medical research who will…

The Surgeon General’s Report on the Public Health Effects of Abortion

In 1987, President Reagan asked the Surgeon General to report on the medical and psychological impact of abortion on women. The report was expected by some Presidential advisors to have negative implications for Roe versus Wade, since that Supreme Court decision was based in part on the medical benefits of abortion compared to carrying an unwanted pregnancy to term. HHS set aside $200,000 from other projects for the abortion report,…

I was feeling spunky!

When you send out research on birthmother reactions to adoption agencies. Hi Jan, I was researching Planned Parenthood and their affiliations to adoption agencies and came across Adoption Affiliates Website. I don’t want to come across as really nasty at all, but this following quote is just so wrong. It is really a lie. How will I feel about the adoption after it’s over? Most birth parents feel sadness, at…