Articles by admin

The Halls of Legislators…

…are wall to wall Carerra Marble. On Tuesdays, which is Lobby day in New York, they all filled with various groups of people wearing matching buttons and T-shirts, carrying bags of information and itineraries with appointments. School children with assignments travel in packs and make loud noises that may or may not be shushed. Lots of “suits” and women with heels that clang on the marble, gather in groups to…

Getting my Albany facts together!

I stand before you today as a New York woman born and bred. From the South Shores of Long Island, to the depths of New York City, to the green of the Hudson Valley, I am more of a patriot to New York, then America. I am also a mother to four children, one of whom I did not raise. I let him slip away to adoption in the fall…

So Sad….

I have this habit of typing in adoption and then asking Blogger to search all Blogs. It is interesting what comes up sometimes..the various Bloggers who do not have Adoptio Blogs per say, but have something to say about adoption. So in doing this, I found a blog..more “political” one could say…that was written by an adoptee who spoke of having to find his natural mother. Nice story. So I…

Where I become a Lobbyist

Tomorrow, I have a very busy day. I am going to NY State capital of Albany to Lobby for open records. There is a nice petition and web sight about the NY fight here. I have never lobbyed before, so I have basically NO CLUE what I am doing, but I am still really excited to do it. Thank God, I am going with “pros’ I have printed out business…


OK…so I am at it again. I finially found a good onlne poll place..or so it seems…so far. You can take the poll here. And I think they tally it up, etc. I think you can take it here..but I don’t know if it registers there?? Then they say all this other stuf, but I can’t get they dern links to work!! If anyone sees any obviously bad typos, or…

Kids love a Parade…

Fullfilled “Good Mommy” duties today! Here we are walking to the Parade. Very convienient that it is like three blocks away. _______________ Here’s when you say, Man, how cute are these kids?? The, were even more thirilled that for whatever reason, in every parade in town, they throw candy to parade watchers. I don;t know what that is ll about, but it’s like another Halloween!! __________________ Yeah, we all had…

A shamless plug..

For adoption related stress relief…go here!. This lovley little ditty is done by a really swell guy I work with..Hi Matt!!! and besides his lovely wife, Maya..and son to be born son in utero..keep my in chocolate!! Yum!!! yeah, she happens to be a FABULOUS pastry chef. Plus I can Almost tolerate the ignoranus ( spelt that way with a purpose!!)IF he is wearing his mothers wig!! so go have…

More deep thinking…

God, I adore this woman. Sunny has great things to say and a grat real, raw way of saying it..with compassion, with heart, with kindness, but still with real anger that makes sense. Go read her now!! Also, a very good article that should also be looked at and thought about. Also, while I am at linkys today…a poll of natural moms…over 70% are opting to “not relinqish” if they…

What to do, what to do?

One of Max’s bands is playing a show this weekend. I got the invite, though I have to wonder if it didn’t just go out to everyone. I mentioned it to Garin who is very sure of the fact that HE WANTS TO GO. Or, rather, he says “we are going”. Never mind that I am slated to work, never mind that I would have to send the other two…


New bloggers..or new to me I should say…added to my linky links. If I link you and you don’t want to be linked, please just drop me a line and away it will be. No hard feelings. And the same goes if you are Blogging, and I have overlooked you. It’s not personal, it just measn that when I saved you in favorites, I put you in the wrong…

I think it is postworthy…

So here’s the thing. When I think about all the mothers of adoption loss I “know”, I wonder why it is that we all seem to fall into the same type of catagory. Like really, I know of two groups. The moms from the Baby Scoop Era who were really and trully forced into maternity homes and made to surrender their children. And then there is the Willing Moms who…

And the Winner of the Ugliest House in the Whole World is…

This one: This monstrosity is being built in the middle of nowhere right by Rye’s Aunt’s house. We had to stop and get a better look, a picture, and as luck would have it, we ran into the neighbors who gave us the dirt. Aparently, the guy who is bulding this wants to create this thing that is suppose to be a testiment to what one can achieve without an…

Irony? Perhaps..

I spend my days hunting for women who are considering adoption and do my damnest to talk them out of it. Usually. Sometimes, I just don’t feel like I can click with them..and I say just a bit and bow out rather then leave them thinking I am some insane fanatic. OK, I am a bit of in insane fanatic, but not militantly insane. But really, either they are going…

How babies are treated in the beginning could shape the way they see the world

First impressions: Carolyn Skelton, CanWest News Service Saturday, February 25, 2006 VICTORIA – Until six years ago, Debby Takikawa was a counsellor in California who ran a family therapy clinic where she helped moms and dads form healthy bonds with their brand-new babies. Then she decided to make a 20-minute film for her clients. She started with the question: “What does it mean to a person to be ‘met’ at…