March 2016

What You Need to Know if Adopted and Searching for Birthparent

Searching for your birthmother or biological father? Trying to find your adopted child?

Try the two best adoption reunion registries first, apply for your non-identifying adoption information form the state you were adopted in or, if that state has decent open records legislation passed and OBC access, get your original birth certificate. You can use social media to search or DNA or get help through a free search angel or even a paid searcher.

I am NOT a SEARCHER. This is NOT a registry.

If you email and ask me to help I will send you to the link below. Just click on it now.

American Adoption Congress in Denver

By Susie I am getting excited to attend the AAC Conference in Denver at the end of the month! There are a few reasons I decided to finally attend an adoption related conference.This one was close enough to consider driving to ~ about nine hours away, but in the end I decided to fly in order to have more time there/less time away from work. The chance to meet in…

Adoptee Rights to Their Original Birth Certificates

By Susie As a mother of adoption loss, I would first of all like to (again) make it known that I WAS NEVER PROMISED, NOR DID I EVER WANT, ANONYMITY FROM MY SON! Those who try to use us mothers as the reasons that adoption records and original birth certificates are sealed are either lying or falsely believing someone else’s lies. Most moms would openly welcome being contacted by their…