January 2014

Oh Another Adoption Fundrasier? And You Think I Should Help You?

Now I would assume from your note that you are a Christian woman, so helping out a mother in need would come naturally. I am wondering about how you personally feel about the Tenth Commandment? I tend to want to add a bit to it myself about how thou shall not covet thy neighbors ( or friend’s friend’s cousin’s ) baby either. I note in particular where you write: “I instantly fell in love with him.” and “I did not want to let go of him.”

Do you think that perhaps you DID covet this child and would you consider that breaking God’s law?

The Chicken’s Arse; An Adoption Story

Grace grew up knowing not only she was adopted, but, was also informed by Kay, the woman who adopted her, that if she didn’t “behave herself”, her adoptive father, Charlie, would “send her back to where she came from”.