Small Splash, Big Meaning

It’s not at all like Madonna’s adoption story. They aren’t talking about this on Oprah, or every news media outlet, but even with just a small almost silent plop in the pond, “Birth Mother Entitled to Visitation with Child Given Up for Adoption” Posted on November 21, 2006 by Daniel Clement has the ability to sure make some waves. It’s not going to hit the big media. Don’t look for…

Public Falout over the Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute report

Last Sunday, with great media attention, the Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute issued a comprehensive report regarding past and current domestic infant adoption practices in the US. Appropriately named “Safe Guarding the Rights and Well-Being of Birthparents in Adoption Practices”, the release of the report was picked up by Associated Press, and hit paper media such as the Washington Post and the New York Times. Essentially what the Donald Institute…

Pumpkin Eras, Spinach Cans and Being Understood.

I refused to go crazy this Thanksgiving. I usually make a million things, even if we are going to someone else’ house as I must have :my: stuff. Thanksgiving is intricately tied into to cooking rituals with my mom and making her food, her recipes, form her handwritten cookbook as I have my whole life…well i really like it. Since every years is so the same..I can pretend, in my…

The Donaldson Report..

Is out and making the news in a very big way. Read it yourself here It is saying all thie things that we have been saying and what is nice, is that people are listening. Or at least some. They are not listening here. Be warned, boatloads of morons are spewing hate filled crap on an unheard of basis. It could almost be funny, but it’s not. We have the…

In the Midst…mist…fog

Not a full on wallow, but days of normal with just flashes of internal emotional angst. Welcome to my November. It’ so weird how it hits. And is always so different. You just never know what to expect really. Like Max’s birthday itself..that was Tuesday. Actually, Monday on my way to work I thought about how, 19 years earlier, I was, on that day going to the supermarket and picking…

Ah, my dear daughter…

So Rye calls me today from work to ask me something as that is our main from of communication this week. I am asleep when he goes to work at butt o’clock am and then I go to work before he comes home and he is asleep when I get home..anyway..he mentions to me that Scarlett has seen some election commercial on TV that has her all fired up. Apparently,…

Just bits…

So I was pleasantly surprised this AM to find that my blog piece on the grant money for South Dakota’s adoption awarness training was featured on “Sufingmama Blog Carnival”…lol..I forgot that I even sent it in! “Carnivals” are like a “best of blogging” kind of thing..but what is really, really important is exposure of the truth..so hopefully alot of other people will get to see it!! Of course, now I…


I am plagued with the itchies. I have NO idea what it is. I have never had skin issues before, or allergies, or hives, or anything. I don’t have dry skin and the heating season has not come on us yet so I cannot blame the forces air heat for dying out both my skin and my bank account. Yeah, I had allergies as a kid, but they were all…

Origins of the BirthMother Term ..update

Now if you would please, take a minute and go re-read, or read if you happened to have missed it the first time, my post here regarding the coining of the word “Birthmother“. Now in case you happen to be a lazy ass, I will restate the key points: 1)I can imagine CUB coming up with th name based on having to make a good catchy acronym 2) Pearl S….

Connections of Deceit

So the glee that has been felt that the evil Infant Adoption Awarness training grant (8.6 million in our tax money and went to four different “groups” to make the trainings..the largest one, with the biggest chunk of the pie was the National Council for Adoption ( recieved 6.1 million)..aka the big fat adoption lobby group that of course WANTS to promote adoption.) is over this year, has been short…

I fell..

DOWN!! At work last night..what should have been a quiet Tuesday night, especially with me working the patio..in October!..last week I had TWO tables all night… exploded in some random busyness. This was, of course, due to the fact that we were on a basic “short” staff..because the owner was having a big party at the catering facility..so sure, Murphy’s law, let’s make everyone want to come to dinner. So…

New Country

One of the things that has taken this nation by storm is MySpace. I have the ability to say that I joined a million years ago, when it was new and not “everyone” and their brother was on the dern thing. Our fiend Murry was all about getting Rye and I to get on it, though we thought it was way lame at the time. Now of course, since then,…

Womanfest Destiny

Caution: Brain spinning in circles, see below for details. Jumping of my marriage rant of the last post, Suz got it all down in her comment: how do i choose between what is my calling, what i am supposed to do and the person I am supposed to be and my husband who would prefer I fit into a neat little package? i want him by my side, proud of me,…


God, I feel mopey. I have figured out that naturally, like all things in life, I work on a cycle..so great happiness and highs are frequently followed by quiets lows, emotionally, socially, physical, energy wise. And I am not one to want to have all the highs, so I resist any temptation for medical use to make the lows more bearable, I just wad though them, knowing they will pass….