The Open Records Conclave in NYC

Evan B Doaldson adoption research insitute

It was still very dark when I had to wake up.

Let me say how much I hate that.. and you adoptees better be freaking grateful of all my sleep sacrificed for you! Ha, all kidding aside, I had to walk down my steps backwards as we got hit with the ice storm here, and then I had to walk in the dark to the bus station, not far at all, down the middle of the street so I wouldn’t fall and break my other arm! All that, rush rush, and I get to Trailways in time to see the 6:15 bus pull out, and then to be told they just decided not to have a 6:30 bus. So starting my day.. cold, icy, dark, and now no way not to be late as the next bus, the 7:00 am, gets me into Port Authority at 9:05.
Which was really..9:35 as Jersey was full of annoying traffic. Grrr. So then, because it was late and I was close and I could not find a taxi that looked available, I hoofed it from 42nd and 8th to 51st and 7th. Not a biggie, and I do love NY. But yeah, I was late. I hate that. I got into the very swanky conference room and then had to pull a chair out from another…get settled in.. catch up.

Who’s Who in Open Records Adoptee Rights

There was.. about 2 dozen folks there.. mostly familiar faces from other adoption conferences. ACC was in the house, BN, CUB, OUSA, EBD, ETC.. It was a who’s who in open records.. and really..I still feel pretty honored to be in such company. I think besides the Donaldson interns and maybe Hollee McGinnis, I was the youngest one there. And I was thinking on my way home, from never being at a conference at all in January 2006, to being invited to this meeting..that’s a long way.. in a short portion of time.
What was also pretty amazing.. and again.. I feel almost embarrassed and honored, was that almost everyone knew of my recent NCFA article, had read it, and was pleased with it. That felt really good.
OK, enough feely stuff…

I think that this was really the first time that the us open records movement came together in a real way? Like all the different fractions.. and agreed to somehow be one voice.. with one message.. and a job to get done.
There is a list coming via email.. to be finalized by email.. of the finial outline draft. At that point, I had stopped taking notes.. as I was told I would be getting it.. and I already had 8 pages of scribble! I shall follow up with that when it happens.
The big items:
There will be one main message: paraphrasing as this is where i quit note taking..EVERY US CITIZEN IS ENTITLED TO THEIR ORIGINAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE. That’s it. All arguments against go back to that one point.. it is a human right issue.. not about mothers, not about reunions, not about adoptive parents, not about agencies.. just about the discrimination and restoring adoptees to the level of every other person in the us to have access to their birth certificate.

Now, I personally, as a mother, would LOVE IT, if moms got access too.. but, I know politically, that it opens another whole can of worms for the opposition to get into… and therefore it will not happen yet. This is the first step.. and getting access for adult adoptees will be getting a huge door open and really help change, not only individual lives, but the way the general public sees this issue. So I am willing to be patient. I know not all moms agree with me there, but that’s my opinion.
It was also clarified that we ae discussing access only to the OBC. Not ALL adoption records.. so you won’t be getting access to every bit that XYZ agency has on you.. court documents would make the Bar Association and Judges freak out, Medical records get into HIPPA’s just the OBC. Otherwise, again, it won’t work. Think Big Baby Steps.. no pun intended!

Also discussed was various talking points/ responses to “the opposition”.. so when they say blah blah, we say blah blah.. also in the outline to be provided. And ways to get those organizations that have opposed these laws.. Planned Parenthood, Pro-Lifers, Catholic Churches, ACLU, etc.. to support them. How to combat the NCFA ..ha.. expose them as special interest, how to reassure adoptive parents, even though most support their kids getting the OBC, the BS of the implied promises to mothers, etc. Media interest, what worked in the states that are open, what did not… Oh so much stuff.. I really do have 8 pages of notes!

Maine’s Senator Paula Benoit was there. OMG! This lady, and I do mean lady.. in the pure sense of well groomed, well spoken, gracious…she is a powerhouse. What she is willing to do for this cause, not just as an adoptee, but as a political figure, is impressive. Honestly, I got the sense that if anyone person ends up in making this happen, it will be her. She wants to work with other state sponsors where records got passed, and then pull that group to influence new bill sponsors and really, as Marley says “twist some balls”. Senator Benoit might never use that phrase, but I can tell, she does it very well.. and I say that in the most admirable way.

States with Lousy Adoptee Rights Laws

Also discussed was a revisit to “sandwich” states, such as Ohio, where blackouts and other weird prospective things are in effect. So using that they have had various degrees of access for some time, see what the results were,, and if nothing “dastardly” happened as a result of their partial access, then to ask for increased access for the blackout groups.

We ran over the various states that have stuff going on now. Again, IMO, we need Texas, New York, and California to turn next.. then other smaller, less populous sates will more follow suite.

Unfortunately, I believe, only NY has positive movement, but it was recognized that effort needs to go into NY to make it happen. So far, Joyce Bahr, has worked tirelessly on this since I met up with her and NY’s Unsealed Initiative back in early 2006. I know others have worked on it too, but for me, I see her as a backbone in NY. I cannot wait to lobby again and it was great to see her again too. It would be great if NY had more support.. and I think this conclave will assist in getting that to happen.

Cali is supposedly starting up again next year as is Texas?? I know Amy has mnore info on Txs than I do. From what I recall, Gladney had a hand in getting the TxCare stuff destroyed this year. God, they suck! The joke is that in the year 2087 Texas will be the last State in the Union to finally open records.

The Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute will, is already, working on what was referred to as a “repository” of Open Records information. What it will be is one main website where ALL US records info will be.. so all the various state groups will have links there, all the bigger groups too, access to information, help, etc. Yes, I found myself saying “ohhh.. I want to help!” kick kick self!
I also did that volunteer thing regarding graphics of some sort, a ribbon of sorts.. though I do love that kind of work. Mary Anne Cohen very graciously complemented me on my previous graphics design stuff. When did I become a joiner of all things? Such a sucker, I am! Yeah, so give me ideas for a real national access to OBC concept..please!

Oh, and Darryl McDaniels , adoptee of Run DMC, has agreed to be the public spokesperson and do PSAs for this cause! Wooha!

Do we want a list of who was there? I got most of the names..Adam Pertman, Hollee McGinnis, Fred Greeman, Eileen McQuade, Paul Schibbelhute, Bobbi Beavers, Mary Anne Cohen, Marley Greiner, Joyce Bahr, Jeff Donadson (on phone), Carol Schaefer, Martha Frailey, Pam Hasegawa, Betsie Norris ( on phone, Elizabeth Samuels, Senator Paul Beniot, Caprise East, Ronnie Diamond.. and then, I have missed about half the others! But that’s the buses fault that I was late for introductions!and then stopped my notes!

And that’s the fist dishing of this meeting! I got a 6:00 pm bus home after hanging about BSing with Basterdette and MAC for a bit.. we all walked over to
Port Authority together. And I got off the bus, a bit icky in my belly.. i think i was getting “bus sick”.. and was in my door at 8:30, just in time to kiss my own babies good night.

More to come, I promise.. and if you have a specific question..let it rip! I’ll do my best to let you know what I know.

About the Author

Claudia Corrigan DArcy
Claudia Corrigan D’Arcy has been online and involved in the adoption community since early in 2001. Blogging since 2005, her website Musings of the Lame has become a much needed road map for many mothers who relinquished, adoptees who long to be heard, and adoptive parents who seek understanding. She is also an activist and avid supporter of Adoptee Rights and fights for nationwide birth certificate access for all adoptees with the Adoptee Rights Coalition. Besides here on Musings of the Lame, her writings on adoption issue have been published in The New York Times, BlogHer, Divine Caroline, Adoption Today Magazine, Adoption Constellation Magazine,, Lost Mothers, Grown in my Heart, Adoption Voice Magazine, and many others. She has been interviewed by Dan Rather, Montel Williams and appeared on Huffington Post regarding adoption as well as presented at various adoption conferences, other radio and print interviews over the years. She resides in New York’s Hudson Valley with her husband, Rye, children, and various pets.

11 Comments on "The Open Records Conclave in NYC"

    And every Canadian too.

    Thanks, Claud. You rule.

  2. Wonderful, Claud.

    I was honestly going to say “You rock.” Kippa said “you rule,” so there you go.

    You rule, you rock. 🙂

  3. I rule the rock? Whhhatttt?
    I rock the rule?

  4. Great minds think alike! I was about to ask Claud if I had told her lately that “she rocks.”

    Snort? Obviously you didn’t pick up any measure of genteel behavior from the Senator. Thank Goodness, we like you just the way you are!

  5. Question!! Question!!

    Do you know anything more on the Public Service Announcements, like, are they going to be radio or web or – dare I hope – TV based?

    Thank you!

    PS You rock

    PPS I still covet your kitchen

  6. It was great to see you again, Claud, and glad you got home OK. Nice summary of the meeting, I too was impressed with Senator Benoit and how classy she is. It is too bad Rep. Janet Allen of New Hampshire was not there, another classy adoptee legislator.

    I hope good things come of this. Also hope your sick kid is feeling better:-)

  7. It’s so nice to see people like you who are organized, know the legislative people who are personally involved in adoption, and who is dedicated to getting adoption records opened. If I were younger (I’m a great-grandma/reunited birth mother) I’d be right there with you in your fight. Everyone deserves answers, closure, and new beginnings. Reunions between a natural mother and her relinquished adult child is special and does not take a single drop of love away from the adopted parents as some of them fear. It only adds to the love in their child’s life and expands the child’s self worth. I’ve seen it in my daughter and meeting her closed the book on my years of pain and worry that she was loved and well taken care of.

    Keep up the good work Claud. People like you will help make it possible for triad members to have closure and find new families to add to the joy in their lives.

  8. Hmmm don’t know more about the PSa’s.. you could tell Adam was very excited about it, but wouldn’t really give out more info..if he even had it. I am guessing TV?
    I had mentioned lobbying to Darryl back when I met him in Boston at the that is something Joyce Bahr and I also blabbed about..he was interested back in March, but then nothing came of it!! You’re just gonna have to get up to Albany with us!

    Lol. Maryanne.. I got home just fine.. walked in the door and got attacked by the kiddlings.. wo were so not sick! I guess Tristan had puked, but it was quick..just enough to guilt me out of dinner!
    Good to hang out with you two as stop saying nice things about me! I get bashful!


  9. YESSS!!! So glad to hear this news. Can’t wait to be part of the lobby next year, see you in Albany! You ROCK! xoxo

  10. A very good account of the meeting, Claud! I had my doubts about it, but I think it ended up a positive event. I was greatly suprised and pleased at the enthusiasm for uncompromised legislation. This, of course, is the real problem and has been for years. Something is better than nothing. Well no, it’s not!

    A number of states are talking access legislation, and it’s our job to see that it is not compromised–that leggies, constituents and activists all stand with one voice on this and not be afraid to pull a bill when it’s screwed with.

    And yes, you rock! You’re a major rising star in AdoptionLand. It’s an honor to have you here!

  11. Excellent excellent excellent!

    And I do have a question:

    Was there any discussion of the recommendation in the study to track (I quote) “abortion rates for the affected state before and after law changes, along with analysis of trends over time?”

    I understand the goal of proving that access to OBC and abortion rates are not connected, but I’ve heard comments from several adoptees raising concerns that this could backfire. I’m curious if there was any discussion on it.

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