Peter Carucci Director of NYS Adoption Registry

Sealed Adoption Records in New York

Peter M. Carucci
Bureau of Production Systems Management
Vital Records Section
New York State Department of Health
P.O. Box 2602Albany, NY 12220-2602
(518) 474-5245FAX
(518) 474-9168

Mr. Carucci,

As you probably have realized you have made many an American and New York born adoptees angry today. I’m not an adoptee, but mother to one, so you can count me in, too.

As Director of NYS Adoption Registry, I honestly would think that you would have a better understanding of the issues pertaining to adoption and most especially have some sensitivity to the trials of the adopted person. I find it hard to imagine, that you would stereotype people because they were, without any choice on their part, born into a situation that caused them to be adopted. Yet, it seems that someone along the way you have found that adoptees might be more likely to pose a threat to this nation’s security then other non adopted people?

I am curious why adopted people cannot have two birth certificates when it’s OK for other people to have two different versions of their birth certificates.

After all New York State will change both name and sex on a birth certificate, and will issue a new birth certificate in cases where a transgender person changes their sex and would like their legal identity to match their physical self. When they are issues a new birth certificate with their new name and new sex, do you make sure that all previous copies of their original birth certificates are hunted down and destroyed? Do we seal up their original birth certificates with the “wrong” sex on it so that no one will ever know the truth? Do we worry about the national security risk of these transgender folks (not that I have ANYTHING against them at all) running about with two birth certificates and two names?

I didn’t think so.

Adoptees in NY State are currently denied their civil rights to their birth certificates NOT because having two birth certificates is a National security risk, but because of an old, antiquated and corruption driven law signed by then Governor Herbert H. Lehman in 1936. If you are truly as knowledgeable about adoption in New York State, then you will also know that the Governors’ children were adopted though the infamous baby broker Georgia Tann and there is a very good chance that the records were sealed in NY at her bidding as part of a quid pro quo deal.

You, of all people, should know how the current NYS passive adoption registry is failing terribly on matching up birthparents and adoptees that have both followed the instructions and signed up for the registry.

In New York, more than 18,000 adoptees, birth parents and siblings have registered since December of 1983, but the “success” rate is fewer than four percent! In fact, down in Philadelphia, at the Adoptee Rights Demonstration, I was with a mother and daughter from NY who were both on the registry for over 10 years and had never been matched. While I understand the NY registry is underfunded and understaffed, even you, as the director, should be able to admit it is a complete and utter failure.

It’s time New York legislation did something to redeem itself for the recent sad and utterly ridiculous inability to get anything done.

Bill A8410 and S5269; The Bill of Adoptee Rights, which has a insane number of supports both in NY, of NY citizens and of legislative members needs to be passed already instead of sitting idle in the marbled halls of Albany while our NY adoptees are denied their medical information, insurance coverage for life saving genetic testing, and their original identity.

THAT is why New York adoptees cannot have their original birth certificates. And if you honestly think that adoptees pose a bigger threat to national security than the rest of the NY population, then Sir, I beg you to step down as director of the registry. Our adoptees, who have been denied so much already and do not need to suffer further abuse.


Claudia Corrigan D’Arcy

NY mother of an Adoptee
AKA: Birthmother NEVER asked for nor was promised confidentiality for comments!

About the Author

Claudia Corrigan DArcy
Claudia Corrigan D’Arcy has been online and involved in the adoption community since early in 2001. Blogging since 2005, her website Musings of the Lame has become a much needed road map for many mothers who relinquished, adoptees who long to be heard, and adoptive parents who seek understanding. She is also an activist and avid supporter of Adoptee Rights and fights for nationwide birth certificate access for all adoptees with the Adoptee Rights Coalition. Besides here on Musings of the Lame, her writings on adoption issue have been published in The New York Times, BlogHer, Divine Caroline, Adoption Today Magazine, Adoption Constellation Magazine,, Lost Mothers, Grown in my Heart, Adoption Voice Magazine, and many others. She has been interviewed by Dan Rather, Montel Williams and appeared on Huffington Post regarding adoption as well as presented at various adoption conferences, other radio and print interviews over the years. She resides in New York’s Hudson Valley with her husband, Rye, children, and various pets.

10 Comments on "Peter Carucci Director of NYS Adoption Registry"

  1. Right on girlfriend! Right on!


    This is the guy who ‘has your original birth certificate right in front of me’ (I’m on the other end of a phone silently screaming while he tells me he can look at it but not me)

    I registered with NYS in 1990. Upon finding my mother in 2008 she informs me that she registered in 1996. What happened??????? They’re response? OOOPS here’s another form to fill out NOW. WTF

    Also Where a father is named on the OBC, even if mother and adoptee are registered the NYS will not match them until the father registered. I mean consenting adults are not matched without that third person. It’s an improbability if not an impossibility that the registry will ever be successful.

    Our small NY search group has had more matches than NYS registry ever will.

    The cherry on the cake? Carucci’s office warned my mother that she MUST register now, lest she become a victim of a scam. The stigma of the adoptee is alive and kicking there in Albany – we are suspects to be treated with caution!!!! Bah!

  3. You rock, Claudia!!!!

  4. I wonder what the stats are for these “registries”? New York is not alone with it’s pathetic version; Michigan failed to match my half-sister and I until she called the director and told him to watch for my resubmission, providing him my name and address. I don’t think these registries are in place to match anyone, only to placate the masses.

  5. Your letter doesn’t indicate what he wrote that you’re responding to?

  6. What he has been known to say and why the letter as writen is that “Adoptees cannot have their OBC’s becasue then they would have two birth certifictes and be a threat to National Security”
    so a) it’s wrong.. that’s NOT why..
    b) it’s discrimination when clearly other groups can have two birth certificates
    c)he should know this!

  7. This continues to be an insane system. National security???!!! Insane!!!

    Thanks for writing this Claud, and keeping us informed!

  8. Thank you, Claudia. I just found this when I was Googling Peter Carucci’s name. This is the third time I have written to him asking for my info. I have a genetic heart condition, which I just found out about last year. I need medical info. Once again, I have been denied. If my bmom is even alive, she would be 92 this year. I myself am 57 and was adopted the same year I was born, in 1953. Who is it going to hurt for me to find out the info on my birth parents and their medical history? The NY State laws are lunacy!

  9. Has anyone tried recently to email Peter Carucci. I have but the email has been returned
    Maybe after all of the flack he has changed his email ???

    Does anyone know?


  10. Peter Carucci has retired. I’m trying to find out who took his position.

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