The Adoption Industry

New Jersey’s Golden Cradle Adoption Inc; More Unethical Adoption Agency Hyjinks 

Met Ana; she was told that she had the 30 day revocation timeframe under PA law because she is from PA, she lives in PA, she was told the family lived in PA, and the baby was born in PA, only to now be told that it’s a New Jersey adoption. Of course, New Jersey does not have a revocation of adoption consent period recognized by law. How convenient.

Adoption Advocates International Shuts Down!

One chart counts children and the other chart counts millions of dollars in profits and revenue for ONE adoption agency. They really shouldn’t correlate, should they? If adoption was ethical and not a business and not based on supply and demand than these two charts should not relate to each other at all, right? Especially a fine accredited long standing nonprofit adoption agency like Adoption Advocates International that has “saved” children for 30 years.

Same Sex Couples: Don’t Let Your Equality Turn You Into Oppressors

If you believe that you need, want, desire, have a right to, can only accept, are entitled, or even have made a “choice” that an infant though domestic infant adoption (or surrogacy) is the way to go, then please let me warn you that you are in great danger of becoming exactly what you have fought against for so long. You are entering a slippery slope where you are in great danger of becoming the oppressor.

Birthmother Gaslighting Manipulation by the Adoption Industry

I know many birthmothers who have “chosen” to relinquish a child to adoption have great difficulty explaining the very subtle coercion and thought process that goes into it. It’s not so obvious to be called brainwashing. It is often not forceful enough to be openly accepted as coercion. We don’t even know or want to call ourselves “victims”. Is it the sophisticated manipulation tactic known as “Gaslighting”?