Adoption Koolaide & Birthmother Denial

Connecting the Dots

It’s really funny, but when I meet someone for the first time..and if I don’t really like them at all, like if I think to my self “Oh, I just don’t like her’ usually turns out that that person becomes one of the people I love most in this world. Maybe I see something so close to who I am , that I relate too much, but it is odd,…

Smack Down!

One of the things that has always bothered me greatly is that I have NO paperwork from when I relinquished Max. I kept tons of stuff. I kept everything really. I have my original brochure from the agency, I have my plane ticket, I have the bottle that Max drank from, I have pictures, I have all the letters Laura and Darrin sent me. I have clothes that Max spit…

No More Sarahs

To me there is a line. It doesn’t matter to me where you are when you are above (or below even) the line. You can be the most militant abolish adoption and hate it in all forms. You can be someone just struggling though. You can think that it worked out good for you personally. You can want reform, call yourself a first mom, an birthmom if you want. You can be in CUB, be in OriginsUSA, joined the social workers guild based on your experience, speak at conferences. I can’t judge that, that is YOUR truth. WE all fit somewhere..and does it matter exactly where you are on your journey?

Thoughts on Anger & Double Standards

Funny how sometimes I don’t see how much all this thinking about stuff has really changed me..and then I do see it..and it is rather amazing. Why Are People So Afraid of Anger? I work with a young woman who has had a pretty rough road in life. I find her amazing and the word strong is definitely applicable. Her parents and her childhood are way less than perfect. That’s her…

The Long Term Ripples in Adoption

Sometimes, it comes with the birth of a second child that makes us realize what motherhood means, what was truly lost, what is gone forever.
Sometimes, it just comes with maturity. We become less self absorbed and see what we decided does not just effect us, does not just “build a family” that makes us feel good, but that the loss continues to grow and effect others in our lives in ways we could not see.
I tell the pregnant and considering adoption to look beyond the immediate. Not just at NOW, but at later.