Adoptive Parents are NOT Acting in Best Interest of Children; Choosing Drugs over Kids

Marijuana Makes Adoptive Parents Look Bad: Yes I mean YOU!

Did I get your attention?

Good, I was trying to. In fact, be a little bit mad at me. It’s just a little trick called “link bait” but now since I have you reading, can you please just make it to the end?

At the end of January, Cully Ray, a circa 1947 Adoptee, created on an adoption related  “Idea for Change”

Now “Ideas for Change in America” is a crowd-sourcing competition that empowers citizens to identify and build momentum around the most innovative ideas for addressing challenges our country faces.  The 10 most popular ideas will be presented at an event in Washington, DC to relevant members of the Obama Administration, and will subsequently mobilize its full community to support a series of grassroots campaigns to turn each idea into reality.

Pretty cool, huh?

All that is needed to turn this into a reality is the simple five minute act of VOTING for this issue. And to make it even easier, it’s not a crazy all anti-adoption idea or anything. It’s just that across adoption triad approved, everyone talks about it, but we can’t seem to get enough attention, ideal that adult adoptees should be given access to their original birth certificate. You know, just like every other person who is NOT adopted in the US can get by giving a county clerk their drivers license and ten bucks.  See, nothing gruesome and in fact rather innocuous, but feel free to check out the not so fine print on the actual “idea”; Return Adult Adoptees the right to their Original Birth Certificates.

Now, personally I think this is pure brilliance. has made it very simple and the idea of having this presented to the administration is HUGE. They could not have made it any easier to help your adoptees.

Now you might be wondering, yet again, why should I care about the fight to open adoption records and to that all I can say, again, is:

You might not think that this matters to you if you child is in an open adoption or from an international situation and won’t need a new original birth certificate or just can’t ever get one.  But as a parent of an adopted child, this issue will affect us all. It is the government sentencing of legal discrimination against adopted people and guess who you are raising…. an adopted person. If we do not raise our voices against the blatant second class treatment  that is faced by Adopted persons  by our own government, then one day you might have to explain to your child why Adoptees are still discriminated against.

It’s in Your Adoptee Child’s Best Interest!

Now, since I was made aware of this amazing opportunity for our US adoptees, I have personally networked and begged for votes like crazy. I went to numerous Facebook adoption groups and simply stated that if all the members in that group would bother to spend the FIVE MINUTES needed to vote for this cause, then we could make it number one in no time at all! Groups and fan pages with thousands in them.  Again, it would be simple! We could do it!

How Incredible would it be to know that you really helped change the laws in our country all for your child’s best interest and their civil rights? How amazing to be able to say to your grown child,

“Well, you know, when you were a kid, adoptees like you couldn’t even get their original birth certificates, but that was unfair so we asked them to change the laws so that you could be treated just like everyone else. ”

What does that teach a kid about fairness, and freedom and our country? What does it teach them about self worth and equality and working for the common good? Aren’t these positive values that we want, that good parenting demands, that we inspire and teach to our children?

You know how many votes total the cause has? Do you want to know how many people bothered to take the five minutes to actual give a darn and vote? Are you sure you want to know:

How Many Adoptive Parents Really Care for their Children? Less than 500!

( more link bait SEO..shush!)

As I type, the Idea to Return Adoptees Civil Rights to their OBC has less than 500 votes and a great majority are from adult adoptees and birthmothers.

What is more important than knowing that your child will grow up and have to hope he or she never loses their passport because their amended birth certificate short form might not be good enough for an adoptee.  It really happens and sometimes and adoptee cannot get their passport.  Did you know that it can be easier for a terrorist  to get a passport than it is for an US adoptee?

What can be more important than you adopted child not being treated like a terrorist?

You don’t even want to know what is more important to people than your child’s civil rights to be treated equally as any other citizen in the US.

Legalize Recreational Use of Marijuana is more Important than Adoptees!

Yup. Currently the most popular idea in America that people really care enough to spend the five minutes voting on is about legalizing weed, rather than your child.

Adoptive Parents are Allowing Marijuana to be More Important than their Adopted Children!

( yes, more sensational headlines for attention, but you are reading this aren’t you?!)

Legalizing Pot has 1,421 votes. See, I expect that number to change, but here’s the widget:

That, oh Caring Adoptive Parents is Sad!

Let me tell you what else is more important than your adopted child’s civil rights being restored:

If you let this vote go through ( and yes, I do mean YOU now)and adoptee rights is not one of the top ten ideas presented to the Obama Administration, then you are allowing Marijuana to be more important than your adopted child.

And I don’t care now if you are mad at me for saying it.

Go ahead and prove me wrong. Prove it to me. Go vote. Take the five minutes, right NOW, to bother to register. It’s easy. Then just confirm your email address, sign in and vote. One little click and guess what?

You are Now a Good Adoptive Parent Doing what is Right for your Adopted Child

But don’t do it for me, really. I’m just egging you on. Vote for your kids. Vote for your child. Vote for the kids that you don’t know. Vote for your other favorite adoption blogger’s kids might grow up and be affected. Vote for the angry adoptee that you hate reading posts from and hope to god your kids don’t turn out like them and maybe they won’t be so angry anymore! Vote because as a group, our children are treated differently due to the circumstances of their birth which they had no control over. Vote because it’s right and good and just and did I say how it only takes five minutes. Vote because you hate discrimination of any kind and this is one time that you can actually DO something about it. Just do it and Vote  and then, you know that you can look your child in the eyes and say, yes, honey I voted for you.

Vote because drugs; Pot, Weed, Marijuana, is NOT more Important than Adopted Children!

And be proud that you did!

First round voting ends at 5pm ET on February 25th so time is running out.

Go Vote for  to Return Adult Adoptees the right to their Original Birth Certificates. There is NO excuse why with the incredible network of truly wonderful and understanding parents of adoptees that really do want what is best for their kids and all adoptees cannot make this be the number one most important idea in America. It makes us all look bad and says that we will allow Marijuana to look more important than what is best for our adopted kids.

And if you do, feel free to grab this badge of honor that is the image for this post and helped pique your anger or curiosity and place it on your own blog or website:

Here is  the code:

<a href=” “><img title=”adoptive-parent-best-interest-of-child” src=”” alt=” adoptive-parent-best-interest-of-child ” width=”144″ height=”144″ /></a>



Want to learn more about adoptee rights? Read about Adoptee Rights Day here. Feel the need to tell Claudia Corrigan D’Arcy that she went to crazy on link bait and guilt? Feel free to rant and rave on her blog at www.musingsof the

About the Author

Claudia Corrigan DArcy
Claudia Corrigan D’Arcy has been online and involved in the adoption community since early in 2001. Blogging since 2005, her website Musings of the Lame has become a much needed road map for many mothers who relinquished, adoptees who long to be heard, and adoptive parents who seek understanding. She is also an activist and avid supporter of Adoptee Rights and fights for nationwide birth certificate access for all adoptees with the Adoptee Rights Coalition. Besides here on Musings of the Lame, her writings on adoption issue have been published in The New York Times, BlogHer, Divine Caroline, Adoption Today Magazine, Adoption Constellation Magazine,, Lost Mothers, Grown in my Heart, Adoption Voice Magazine, and many others. She has been interviewed by Dan Rather, Montel Williams and appeared on Huffington Post regarding adoption as well as presented at various adoption conferences, other radio and print interviews over the years. She resides in New York’s Hudson Valley with her husband, Rye, children, and various pets.

2 Comments on "Adoptive Parents are NOT Acting in Best Interest of Children; Choosing Drugs over Kids"

  1. Thank you for posting this! I read, I voted and I put the widget on my blog. Let’s hope that we can help make a change in adoption, a good change!

    Thanks again, glad you sucked me in to read.

  2. Good post..keep talking!

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