August 2009

Broken Humerous: It will be Allright.

Alas, it seems I am worthy of medical care. Armed with the shiny plastic insurance card, I am treated like someone worth fixing and so… My surgery to fix my broken arm has been set for August 18th. I’m trying to remain calm and matter of fact about it, but I can tell you that I am not looking forward to it one bit. The surgeon, while very nice, made…

Peter Carucci Director of NYS Adoption Registry

Peter M. Carucci Bureau of Production Systems Management Vital Records Section New York State Department of Health P.O. Box 2602Albany, NY 12220-2602 (518) 474-5245FAX (518) 474-9168 E-mail: Mr. Carucci, As you probably have realized you have made many an American and New York born adoptees angry today. I’m not an adoptee, but mother to one, so you can count me in, too. As Director of NYS Adoption Registry, I…

Birth Certificate Access? Roy Blunt is Unaware

I think my letter to Roy Blunt pretty much says it all: Dear Mr. Blunt, I have read recently that you have been getting allot of flack for your desire for President Obama to produce his birth certificate. One of your quotes in particular has caught my attention. You are quoted as saying: “What I don’t know is why the president can’t produce a birth certificate. I don’t know anybody else…

How Has Adoption Really Changed?

But adoption is different these days. Surely, you must think that open adoption is better. Adoption just not the same as what you went through. “Really?” I want to say in my best snarky roll my eyes to the god’s way, “Really? You mean human nature has changed so much that mommas actually like giving away their babies?” But there IS a change in adoption. It’s just harder to see.